Friday, March 30, 2012

"Wrath of the Titans"-A review by Evan;
Let me start this review off by saying, this was an incredibly entertaining film, but it did have major flaws. If you are looking for a solid plot and great acting and characterization, look for a different film, however if you are in the mood for a few hours of mindless entertainment, this is the movie for you.

Plot 10/25: In spite of the gratuitous fight scenes and Liam Neeson, this film started dragging from the beginning for one glaring problem. The villains don't have any motivation to be evil. In the movie Hades states, "If we give your power (Zeus') to Chronos, he will let us remaining gods hold on to our immortality."  That statement, meant to be the reason for being evil,  makes no sense at all. If Chronos doesn't have any power, how can he make you not immortal? If the villains didn't do anything nothing bad would have happened. In all seriousness, the plot was almost nonexistent, however the events of the story were fairly linear and easy to understand.

When you have to scream, you have to scream
Acting 35/50: To be frank, Sam Worthington's performance of Perseus was near laughable. He was awkward with his lines, his motions and his character. What redeems the shoddy performance from Worthington is the motley ensemble who shine in the background. With megastar performers like Liam Neeson, and Ralph Fiennes, and unknowns like Edgar Ramirez and Toby Kebbel in the mix, things were sure to be interesting. At times it seemed as though the megastars were just phoning it in, and just didn't care about the movie. But towards the end of the movie the star level acting, we are so familiar of, emerges. The true star of the supporting cast was Bill Nighy as Hephaestus, He was able to provide a more admirable performance in less than fifteen minutes than Worthington managed to do in the entire movie. The breakout star is clearly Toby Kebbel playing Agenor. With natural comedic timing and charm, he easy becomes your favorite character in the film

Directorial Points 15/25: In your head picture Pirates of the Caribbean, do you remember the shifting map, the wisecracking sea captain, patriarchal sacrifices? Now picture the Balrog from the Lord of the Rings. Combine those two images and presto! You have Wrath of the Titans. This was a movie which borrowed quite heavily from other films... to moderate success. This film contains all of the cliches the 80's Titans film had and utilizes them very effectively. The end result was a fun ride that felt like a different movie. Also I don't know what this  new trend is with the handheld camera but it needs to stop. The action scenes were blurred and difficult to follow, it just served to confuse the audience.

Closing remarks: By all means go see this movie, it's fun, fast and entertaining. Do not expect anything deep or metaphorical, just go to have a fun time. One last thing, the 3D on this movie was well done and only adds to the film.

Final Score: 60/100
IMDB: 66/100
Metacritic: 37/100
Rotton Tomatoes: 25/100
Roger Ebert: Two Stars

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