Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"A Dissident In Erewhon"

People are gathering around a large platform in front of a church. Workers with cleaning supplies are disposing of what appear to be bloody rags. Two lawmakers with rifles stand on the stage. Victoria Nordman steps onto the stage.

(Loud classical music)

(almost inaudibly)

The time has come to cast aside our old dreams and visions and look instead to our new future. A future that combines God and Mankind, the future that unifies us all, black or white, a future of prosperity and wealth.

More people are now at the base of the stage.

     In the age before us forsaken men had launched their nuclear weapons into the air to smite their apparent enemies. Their ill-advised plans went astray when their bombs fell down to the earth. Millions died immediately after the first wave. But the true anguish came from the contamination of the water and the air. But out of chaos and despair came the righteous hand of God. He swept up the believers with his loving care and brought you to me. We built this community, safe from the evils of the world. We forged anew and built mighty walls and buildings, we are safe, we are godly and we are pure.The world has few constants since the attacks happened over a hundred years ago. However constants do exist; God loves you, every day when you wake up the sun will rise and the world will be black and white, and I love you.

Now many people are gathered around the stage

(Almost inaudibly)
It is time to embrace one another not as adversaries but as friends and benefactors. This utopia we have created, will stand for eternity, if we can rally together and keep the dissenters out. Remember the dark ages, when the sky was seared and we lived scared and alone. Imagine where you would be without the mighty lawmakers who stand ready to enforce the law and protect the town. Respect them for they are your protectors. Thank you for your time, citizens of River City, and may God be with you.
Thank you for your time, citizens of River City, and may God be with you.

Long live Victoria, River City forever

After the assembly lawmaker #1 stands in the street with a parchment

Scene one: Rules

A crowd of commoners are herded in front of Lawmaker #1

People of River City, your endearing leader and friend has created 5 new edicts, that will ensure the safety of all, and expose dissenters.
One: No one is to be allowed in the streets after ten o' clock
Two: Anyone attempting to leave the confines of River City will be shot on site
Three: Books, paintings and music are forthwith banished from River City, all paintings and books must be destroyed, excluding the Holy Book of course, and all musical instruments destroyed. Anyone caught singing will be arrested
Four: Schools inside the city limits are to be hereby disbanded, children will now be sent to church education.
Five: Dissenters are subject to public executions, there is a fifty-thousand Denarii prize for capturing a dissident. People guilty of aiding dissenters will suffer the same fate as their nefarious friends.

The Lawmaker #1 nervously paces up and down the sidewalk, he repeatedly checks his gun as if to reassure himself that it is still there
Thank you for your time citizens, that will be all for today. Any information regarding the locations of dissenters can be told to any stationed guard in River City or anonymously in the hot box outside the guard station.

The lawmaker turns and walks away quickly, most of the people listening  look dazed and confused, but a few look angry and shout at the lawmaker. Then the work bell rings and they head back to work

That night on main street

Scene Two: The Shot Heard Round The World

It is dark out, a man and a woman sneak out of the trees, they are holding hands. As they pass the patrol tower everything appears to be quiet. They are headed towards the fence that separates River City from the rest of the world Suddenly a lawmaker on patrol notices the man and woman and raises his rifle. He fires at the man who falls immediately the woman screams for a brief second, she is then silenced by the gunfire. As dawn starts to break, the lawmaker brings his communicator to his mouth and asks for a disposal crew. By sunrise, all that is left of the couple is an ugly red stain on the ground

That same day inside the diner on main street

Scene Three: The Blind man talks to other blind men

It is a slow morning for Marv's Diner, the only restaurant in town. As various plebeians enjoy their coffee and breakfast HECTOR DEMICK enters the Diner and sits at the counter. Marv, the owner, is busily washing dishes.

Excuse me, Marv may I please get a menu over here?

Marv ignores HECTOR, and continues washing dishes.

Excuse me, excuse me... Aw shucks

Hector stands up and grabs himself the coffee. As he sits down to read the paper another man begins talking to him

Personally I don't see what the big fuss is with the five new edicts, Victoria has never led us astray before

I agree entirely, it is time the uneducated masses woke up and realized that Victoria is our best bet for survival. The way I see it, the reason the world is black and white, is because that's how are thinking should be.

Frankly theses kids should feel lucky that they have any rights at all, given' the grief they cause the townfolk
Hector is not really paying attention, he is too focused on the newspaper he has in front of him, he then slams it angrily on the counter
     Would you just look at this, these mobs, these rioters are up in arms about two vagabonds who broke the rules and paid the price for it. They should be happy that our justice is fair and swift, instead they turn degenerates into martyrs. It disgusts me. I'm a accountant, I work, why should they get special treatment?

Hector folds up the paper and hands it to the man, he drops a few coins on the counter and leaves. Despite his earlier gusto, Hector is a very timid and meek man and walks with his head down to work. On the street he passes the church from the beginning. A mob of protesters has gathered there and Victoria is preparing to give another speech

A few moments later

Scene Four: The removal of the masses

Hector Demick has exited the scene, Victoria steps up to the podium in front of her. Lawmakers raise their rifles in the air, in preparation of violence. The crowd looks angry, their rage is barely contained.
   Leaders are meant to lead, and I am a leader. I come before you now, my people to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I have wronged you. Two brave souls were shot last night taking a stroll around the border of this great city. For this I feel the utmost shame, but out of misery comes happiness. And to atone for my sins I will offer you good people this, anyone that wishes to leave River City may do so. If your choice is to leave us please step into the trucks idling by the stage. Food, water, and supplies will be given to you, if you ask. Just remember before you go that I love each and everyone of you. And that I am sorry. You have the next fifteen minutes to reach a decision.

The crowd at the bottom of the stage starts to talk energetically amongst themselves, and before the fifteen minutes was up, all but a handful had boarded the trucks.

    I see that you have all have made your choice. I will respect your wishes, best of luck to all of you. And God bless.

The trucks roll away, no one in the crowd realizes that the last truck only contains lawmakers

Scene Five: An end to the dissension

The trucks stop by a large ditch. The people are ordered to exit the trucks. As they wait by the ditch for everyone to exit the trucks. The lawmakers who had been in the last truck exit and raise their rifles at the crowd.

PAN (camera term): leave the sight of the massacre focus on the bodies hitting the ditch

The gunfire continues for minutes. No one survives.

The next day on main street

Scene Six: The Blind Can See

Hector turns on to main street. As he is walking towards Marv's diner a brilliant flash of yellow (the sun) nearly blinds him. When he is able to see again he confronts passersby on whether they also saw the phenomenon

Sir, did you happen to see some kind of light from the sky. A strange kind of light?

I can't say I have.

Hector pulls a woman aside

Ma'am have you seen any strange lights. Something that wasn't black or white?

Mister, I don't know what you're talking about and I don't want to. Leave me alone

Hector is distraught. He doesn't know what this streak means. As he is continuing off to work, another flash of yellow hits his eyes, he yells and runs towards the town's doctor's office. He is visibly shaken and runs very quickly. He doesn't notice the smoke rising from the woods.

A short while later

Scene Seven: The good doctor and his enlightened patient

Hector enters the clinic, he is still perturbed. The office is dirty, and very unprofessional, PYRRHUS NORDMAN, the husband of Victoria, enters

What seems to be the problem Hector, shouldn't you be at work?

Pyrrhus turns to Hector, he examines him closely and watches Hector shake a little, Hector is in shock

Doctor, p... pl... please help, I, I saw something strange today, something I've never seen before...

Hector turns away from Pyrrhus.

I'm scared. Flashes, fragments in my vision and my brain. I don't know whats happening to me.

Pyrrhus approaches Hector and places a hand on his shoulder.

I can't make any guesses yet, but as a preliminary diagnosis... You may be going blind, look at me please Hector.
Hector looks at Pyrrhus' face, Hector is crying a little.

This is the strangest... What in the world...

What is it Doctor?

Pyrrhus turns away from Hector and places his hand on his head.

It's the damnedest thing. From your account, I could of sworn that you were going blind. However, your pupils are perfectly round and your skin is pallid white.

What does this mean

Your vision is fine. There should be nothing wrong with you... Describe to me what you saw
Pyrrhus turns back around to face Hector, Hector turns away.

It was some sort of flash, only it was something I had never seen before, something neither black or white. I don't know what it was.

Pyrrhus picks up a book and absentmindedly starts flicking through the pages

Here, why don't we do this, I know a few important people, I'll talk to them. Go home and I will call you if I have anything for you.

Pyrrhus starts pushing Hector towards the door. Hector drops his shoulders and leaves. As Hector starts towards his hours, he notices the sunset, black and white and yellow.

Pyrrhus goes to talk to his wife

Scene Eight: The new pariah

  Victoria is sitting in a chair, guarding the door there are two lawmakers. Her husband, Pyrrhus comes to speak with her. Pyrrhus is afraid of his wife but tries to not show it.

What is it?

Pyrrhus swallows audibly

A man came into my clinic today...He said that he had seen strange things. Something that was neither black nor white. I didn't know what to make of it.

Victoria turns her head sharply and stares at Pyrrhus intently.

Who was this man?

Pyrrhus starts wringing his hands

Hector Demick, hes an accountant.

Victoria stands up, and motions to her two lawmakers, they begin to leave the room.

What are you going to do with him?

Victoria turns her head as she briskly walks out of the room

I'm going to make an example out of him.

A new speech
SCENE NINE: The public opinion switches from betrayal to admiration.

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