Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Again?

A new suggestion for a sequel to The Dark Knight Rises.

So my first idea for Banes on a Plane failed miserably. Legendary Pictures refused to host me for an e-conference and when I emailed my proposal to Christopher Nolan he quickly responded with. (and I quote) "The worst idea since Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." But who cares what that guy thinks. Unperturbed I sent my proposal to an up 

and coming directer whom everyone respects... Mr. Michael Bay. He agreed to direct my Batman movie but asked if all of the characters could be played by scantily clad women and if Bane could be a Transformer. We had creative differences. Then out of no where I got a phone call from THE GREATEST SUPERHERO MOVIE DIRECTOR EVER! Mr. Joel Schumacher. He agreed to direct if I re-wrote my original idea into something more family-friendly. So here we go Joel. (He loved the nipple-suits by the way)

The Trailer:
*Fades from black* Bane survives the events of the previous movie and is sitting on a curb looking very upset. He laments the fact that his plan to blow up Gotham failed, "I am sad that my plan to blow up Gotham with a nuclear bomb failed." said Bane. He begins to cry and the tears rupture some wires inside of his mask causing it to *comically* catch fire. Bane is on fire and is flailing around and a mysterious stranger stomps out the fire on Bane's face. The stranger is none other than Mr. Freeze (played by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger). Freeze looks Bane in the face and says, "You neeed to dafeet da Batmahn." Bane replies that he can't he is too sad. Freeze tells Bane that he is willing to help train Bane, Scarecrow, Calender Man, the Joker and the Riddler in order to defeat Batman in the one place he is vulnerable...the slow-pitch softball field. Now there is a montage of softball training sessions followed by a sneak peek of Batman under-hand pitching the ball to Bane, Bane scrunches his face up and swings at the ball. When he makes contact the screen turns to black.

Tagline: They're in it to win it.

Name of the Movie: The Bad News Banes

p.s. Bane is played by George W. Bush in this movie and Rebecca Black is composing an orchestral score. All extras are played by Nicholas Cage.

The Dark Knight Rises...2?

My suggestion for a sequel to The Dark Rises.

The Trailer:
Bane survives the events of the previous movie. He intends to seek revenge on Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle so he in pursuit of him (still doing an unexplained British accent. Am I the only person that thought it was weird that a guy who spent his entire life in a prison hole in India does NOT have an Indian accent? But I digress)
 Whilst on a plane ride to Italy, he tries to drink an in-flight soda but can't figure out to drink it with the mask on. He then sees the psychotic Dr. Jonathan Crane (The Scarecrow) who reveals that he believed Bane dead and had him cloned many times. The real Bane looks around the plane and faints comically. He wakes up in the ships cargo hold surrounded by at least ten other Banes. One of the Banes tells him that they are going to kill a mob target on the flight. Bane *gulps loudly* says "Let's do this!"
The Screen fades to black.
Tagline: There are too many monkey-fighting Banes on this monkey-fighting plane.

Name of the Movie: The Dark Knight Rises 2: Banes on a Plane.
(Also Batman has the nipple-suit again and only appears in flashbacks.)


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Same Title-New Story

Have at it internet. Act One of Five

A Dissident in Erewhon-Act One
People are gathering around a large stage in front of a church. Workers with cleaning supplies are disposing of what appear to be bloody rags. Two lawmakers with rifles stand on the stage. Victoria Nordman steps onto the stage.
(Loud classical music)
Victoria Nordman
(almost inaudibly)
The time has come to cast aside our old dreams and visions and look instead to our new future. A future that combines God and Mankind, the future that unifies us all, black or white, a future of prosperity and wealth.
More people are now at the base of the stage.
    In the age before us forsaken men had launched their nuclear weapons into the air to smite their apparent enemies. Their ill-advised plans went astray when their bombs fell down to the earth. Millions died immediately after the first wave. But the true anguish came from the contamination of the water and the air. But out of chaos and despair came the righteous hand of God. He swept up the believers with his loving care and brought you to me. We built this community, safe from the evils of the world. We forged anew and built mighty walls and buildings, we are safe, we are godly and we are pure. The world has few constants since the attacks happened over a hundred years ago. However constants do exist; God loves you, every day when you wake up the sun will rise, and I love you.
Now many people are gathered around the stage
Victoria Nordman
(Almost inaudibly)
It is time to embrace one another not as adversaries but as friends and benefactors. This utopia we have created, will stand for eternity, if we can rally together and keep the dissenters out. Remember the dark ages, when the sky was seared and we lived scared and alone, subject to the whims of outlaws and thugs. Imagine where you would be without the mighty lawmakers who stand ready to enforce the law and protect the town. Respect them for they are your protectors. Thank you for your time, citizens of River City, and may God be with you.
The crowd
Long live Victoria, River City as one...forever
after the assembly lawmaker #1 stands in the street with a parchment
Scene one: Rules
A crowd of commoners is brought in front of Lawmaker #1
lawmaker #1
People of River City, your endearing leader and friend has created 3 new edicts, that will ensure the safety of all, and expose dissenters.
One: No one is to be allowed in the streets after ten o' clock
Two: Anyone attempting to leave the confines of River City will be arrested on site, this includes crossing the lake to the south, or being in the woods to the east.   Three: Dissenters are subject to public executions, there is a fifty-thousand Denarii prize for capturing a dissident. People guilty of aiding dissenters will suffer the same fate as their conspirators.
The Lawmaker #1 nervously paces up and down the sidewalk, he repeatedly checks his gun as if to reassure himself that it is still there
lawmaker #1
Thank you for your time citizens, that will be all for today. Any information regarding the locations of dissenters can be reported to any stationed lawmaker in River City or anonymously in the hot box outside the guard station.
The lawmaker turns and walks away quickly, most of the people listening look dazed and confused, but a few look angry and shout at the lawmaker. Then the work bell rings and they head back to work
That Night In the woods
Scene Two: The shot heard round the world
It is dark out, a man and a woman sneak out of the trees, they are holding hands. As they pass the patrol tower everything appears to be quiet. They are headed towards the fence that separates River City from the rest of the world Suddenly a lawmaker on patrol notices the man and woman and raises his rifle. He fires at the man who falls immediately the woman screams for a brief second, she is then silenced by the gunfire. As dawn starts to break, the lawmaker brings his communicator to his mouth and asks for a disposal crew. A woman views this incident from the window of her home. By sunrise, all that is left of the couple is an ugly red stain on the ground
That same day on main street
Scene Three: I predict a riot
Hector Demick is on the street on his way to work. As he passes the main street he notices a large group of people to his right. They are in the process of tearing down pro-Victoria propaganda. They are inflamed and yelling. Hector sees the crowd and heads over.
What is this? What's going on?
He attempts to stop a man from tearing down a poster but is pulled away by the crowd.
We are sick of Victoria and her goon squad, she can't just kill us whenever she feels like it!
Well I don't know about all this killing you're talking about, but I'm sure Victoria has a reasonable explanation if you'll just listen to her.
(Laughs harshly), I doubt it.
The rioter stomps off and joins the rest of the mob, Hector is pushed out of the way and stumbles away, the mob is marching down the street yelling loudly about tyranny and such.
A few moments later
Scene Four: The removal of the masses
Hector Demick follows the crowd to their destination in front of town hall. Victoria steps up to the podium in front of her. Lawmakers raise their rifles in the air, in preparation of violence. The crowd looks angry, their rage is barely contained.
I come before you now, my people, to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I have wronged you. Two brave souls were shot last night while taking a stroll around the border of this great city. For this I feel the utmost shame, but out of misery comes happiness. And to atone for my sins I will offer you good people this, anyone that wishes to leave River City may do so. Food, water, and supplies will be given to you, if you ask. Just remember before you go that I love each and everyone of you. And that I am sorry. You have until sundown to reach a decision.
The crowd at the bottom of the stage starts to talk energetically amongst themselves and disperse in different directions.
Hector leaves the scene heading back in the direction of his work.
Scene Five: A rash choice
Hector goes to work. He is greeted at the entrance by his wife CAROL. She embraces him and the head into the building. Hector works in propaganda and Carol works in logistics. They settle into their office spaces. Hector's office door says, "Hector Demick Public Relations" and hers says, "Carol Demick Logistics." Hector begins to work on a new series of half finished posters. They read VICTORIA NORDMAN! THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR, and the rest has not been made yet. Hector works for a while and then brings the finished poster over to Carol.
Hey, how does this look to you?
Carol briefly glances up from her papers and mumbles to the affirmative.
By the way, how are you dealing with all of those people leaving.
Carol looks up from her papers and stares at Hector.
Carol Demick
What people leaving? No one leaves.
Didn't you hear Victoria's speech this morning, she said that anyone who wanted to leave would be provided with supplies and driven outside the city.
Carol checks her papers closely and then looks back up puzzled.
That doesn't sound right, I don't have anything in my records that would allow for that much food and water to be given away. I would have been told about this, food consumption is already at a maximum.
She checks her papers again.
Where are these supplies even supposed to come from? Hector we need to get follow those people tonight, I have a horrible feeling about all of this.
Hector places a hand on her shoulder.
This is probably just a case of miscommunication. Victoria just forgot to tell you about this, that's all that's going on here, I promise.
B.But the forms
It's hard being the leader, she forgot, that's all.
Hector turns to leave the room. He glances over his shoulder at Carol who is now digging through a filing cabinet frantically. Hector shakes his head and goes back to his desk.
Fade to black.
Scene Six: An Exodus
Victoria is at her podium again. X number of trucks are waiting in the road. She is waiting for stragglers to make their way to the crowd in front of her. She looks at the head Lawmaker, who is by her side, he nods knowingly.
I see that you have all have made your choice. I will respect your wishes, best of luck to all of you. And God bless.
The crowd disperses to the trucks that have been idling this entire time. They load their possessions into their truck and enter the vehicles. and drive off. The trucks roll away, no one in the crowd realizes that the last truck only contains lawmakers
At Hector's house.
Scene Seven: Trouble in paradise
Hector is asleep in his bed. He hears the trucks pass and he rolls over to hold his wife. He grabs the air. He wakes up and realizes that his wife isn't there. Hector stands up and puts on his robe. He sees a note on the dresser, is reads "Gone out, will be back by morning, love you" Hector folds the note up and tucks it into a pocket. He realizes where his wife is and then checks the time.
His watch reads 11:30, an hour and a half past curfew. Knowing that his wife could be killed. He races to his garage and grabs his bicycle. He rides off into the distance, the same way the trucks went.
Fade then transition
Hector rides up to the border, he can see the trucks in the distance. Before he can get closer, he hears a loud whistle. He looks around and sees his wife in a tree. She motions for him to be quiet and hisses.
Carol Demick
Hector tries to climb up the tree in vain, he then sees a low laying branch which he uses to join his wife.
Hector Demick
(huffing, out of breath)

I'm here to help you! You know that you're out past curfew, we need to go before anyone sees you.
Carol, silences Hector with a finger and points to the trucks. Hector sees nothing unusual and tries to get his wife to leave,unsuccessfully.
Just give me a moment, something weird is going on. The gate's not open and there aren't any supplies here. I need to watch this.
We need to go, this isn't our concern.
The doors of the trucks open and the people begin to exit the vehicles. The Lawmakers in the last car have not exited yet.
At the gate
Scene Eight: The Elimination of the dissenters
The people continue to exit the trucks, Lawmaker #2 directs them to a ditch next to the gate.
Lawmaker #2
All right everyone line up for processing. We'll get this done as fast as possible.
The large group of people line up shoulder to shoulder by the ditch. Lawmaker #2 grabs a list and starts to read off names. As people hear their named called they raise their hands and say here. While this process is going on the Lawmakers that have been hidden in the last truck exit and and remove their rifles from the trunk. As the last names are read from the list, Lawmaker #2 steps back and the Lawmakers from the truck line up, military style, towards the crowd. They raise their weapons and fire into the crowd of people.
POV: As one of the people in the ditch.
People fall all around the person. He blearily sees people screaming and being silenced just as quickly. The exchange lasts a few moments. A lawmaker notices that this person is still alive, walks up to him and executes him point blank.
With Hector and Carol in the tree
Scene Nine: A sudden realization of truth
Carol covers her eyes and grabs Hector as the Lawmakers begin to mop up the remains of the people. She stifles a shriek and begins to cry. Hector is shocked, and tries to get Carol to leave the tree, she won't budge. Hector begins to descend and misjudges where the limb is, Hector falls to the ground. A lawmaker hears the noise and begins to head for the source. Hector tries to get up and realizes that he has twisted his ankle. He curses, loudly, and the sound of Hector talking breaks Carol out of her trance. She begins to head down the tree when the Lawmaker spots her and shoots her. The bullet enters her chest and exits her back. She falls to the ground. Blood is spilling out onto the ground
(in disbelief)
Hector begins to try and stop the bleeding. Carol's eye's flutter a bit and she tries to mouth a few words. Hector tries to make out what she is saying to no avail. CAROL DIES. Hector realizes that his wife is dead. Tries to perform CPR, stops. Holds his wife and kisses her, telling her that he is sorry. Hector hears the lawmakers approaching he kisses his wife and puts her on his back, he stands awkwardly and begins to run off. The lawmakers give chase. Lawmaker #2 shoots at Hector and the bullet passes through his shoulder he falls and hits his head on a rock. Hector is about to pass out. He hears more gunfire, from both sides, through bleary eyes he sees the lawmakers take fire. LAWMAKER #2 DIES. A man picks up Hector.
This one is still breathing, help me carry him.
Rebels approach from all directions. They are heavily armed. Two appear to be wounded. The REBEL CAPTAIN has a beret on. A different rebel checks on Carol's condition.
Captain, this one's gone
REBEL Captain
Leave her then. Let's get back to base. Move out.
Hector tries to touch his wife. The Rebels carry him away. Carol lies dead next to a tree. The rebels load Hector into one of the Lawmakers truck. A nearby lawmaker (shot) begs for help. A rebel kills him. The rebels load up and leave. Hector passes out.
End of Act One

And we're back!

Long delay...okay I admit it, we really slacked off. I'll make things up to you. You know how our last script had a flawed premise. Well we fixed that and added 15% more killing per page so have fun with that.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Upcoming Reviews

Reviews which will be published soon... Men In Black III, Prometheus and Snow White and the Huntsmen

The Movie

Walked out of my first movie ever. It wasn't the movies fault, it wasn't good or bad (more of a "meh" all around) but the quartet of cacophonous commentators seated directly behind me. I arrived at the theatre roughly 15 minutes before the film started. I sat down and did what every movie-goer is expected to do...shut the f*** up and watch the screen. Then the posse arrived in all of their overweight American splendor. They started to talk immediately...about nothing. I learned that John was trying to lose what and that Alyssa heard things about the movie, but she didn't remember where, and the conversations only got better. They quacked through The Dark Knight Rises (bad), The The Amazing Spiderman (worse) and to round it all off they talked OVER THE HOBBIT TRAILER. You may know me as being a "douche" so I leaned backward and said (Verbatim), "Hey buddy, can you keep it down, I want to hear the movie." The fatter one, whom I had affectionately maned El Tubbo by this point, mulled my comment over in his engorged head and replied, "Yeah, whatever faggot." I didn't feel as though I had earned the faggot remark, but I kept my rebuttal in check. *This is all before the movie begins mind you* I'm to angry to watch Kristin Stewert and company act, and I am secretly staring at El Tubbo as he lifts a bucket of popcorn to his face and eats it, the same way a mule would enjoy his oats. El Tubbo's girlfriend, (whom we will refer to from this point as Ms. ClearlyHasCrabs), taps him on the shoulder and starts to massage his belly while whispering sweet nothings into his ear, as he violates a tub of popcorn. The Fantastic Four behind me had ceased talking when out of the blue El Tubbo yells, "BELLA HAS HUGE BOOBS" (A. Wrong movie B. she doesn't). So the talking immediately restarted among El Tubbo, Ms. ClearlyHasCrabs, John and Alyssa. This continues for forty minutes, at which point I again turn around and say, "As much as I enjoy your rendition of Siskel And Ebert commentary, please stop". Needless to say, I was way out of line, and I deserved a repercussion for ruining Snow White and the Huntsmen for them. So, they poured a soda down my back. While fuming in the sweet, sticky syrup which is Mountain Dew (non-diet I would hazard to guess) I stood up and moved to the front of the theatre, I had paid 8.50 for this ticket and I was going to enjoy the movie, so help me god. Then the gaggle followed me and talked LOUDER. I was trying to ignore them until Ms. ClearlyHasCrabs pulls out her phone and CALLS SOMEONE to talk. I was done, I had already decided to leave by this point. So I stood up, turned around and said, very sternly I may add, "There are two rules in theatres, don't talk to each other, don't talk on phones. You all have broken those two commandments which have been in place since the invention of THE MOVIE THEATRE (looking back I should have included cell phone as well, but I was on a roll). THE FOUR OF YOU ARE WHY EVERYONE HATES AMERICA. And if I had a choice between being in this theatre for another minute or being waterboarded, I WOULD CHOOSE THE LATTER!" Then I stormed out of the movie with my head held high and my shirt smelling like poverty and southern drinking habits, just knowing that I was going home to complain on the internet. Thank you for your time.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

So...erm... sorry for the lack of posts, I have been a little bit lazy and Joe and I have been tightening the screenplay up in preparation in the summer. To show how sorry I am here's a picture of a kitten. Also I promised a review of The Avengers, but by now most of you don't need a review. As critics and friends have told you, The Avengers is AMAZING, 93/100 it's orgasmic err... really good

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

Not Movie Related

This isn't movie related, but it deserves mention. Today on the Fourth of May, founding Beastie Boy, Adam Yauch (MCA) died. Normally when rappers die, no one cares but MCA is special. He, Adrock and Mike-D broke down the color barrier in hip-hop and made rap fun. Instead of rapping about gangster life and murder, the Beastie Boys rapped about having fun and going to White Castle. MCA also directed the majority of the Beastie Boy music videos and was a primary lyricist. He was also very distinctive in his raps as he had a huge booming bass voice. MCA made millions in the music system, however MCA did not squander his wealth either, he has donated a spectacular sum of money to Free Tibet and even met the Dalai Lama. He was a well known philanthropist and an all around nice guy. He will be missed.
(By the way I dare you to watch this video and not smile.)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Joe's Most Hated Movie... Ever

City of Angels
(A Rant By Joe)
Starring Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan

Frankly, I was waiting for Hellboy to kill this thing
Let me just start off as saying that I hate Meg Ryan, I like Nicholas Cage (I don't think he's great but I like a couple of his movies).  I saw this movie the other day on HDNet movies, and I thought wow... Meg Ryan, Nicholas Cage... one actor I semi like and one that I absolutely hate, this might level out into a decently crappy movie. Boy-o-boy was I wrong, it was terrible.  Now I've heard of willing suspension of disbelief, and most of the time I'm pretty good at willingly suspending MY disbelief, but just the simple fact that Meg Ryan is a goddamn heart surgeon is just one of the most ridiculous things that I personally have ever heard of, considering the fact that she couldn't get a face left done without it making her look like The Creature from the Black Lagoon. What I did like about it was that Nick Cage was an angel who came to earth to booze and sex it up.  That alone would have made a great movie; but no, Nick has to go and fall in love with eternal airhead Meg Ryan.  You know, I don't even know why I don't like Meg Ryan, in some aspects, she's actually a better actor than Nick Cage, but at least Nick Cage is a badass and not just some dumb bimbo, who shows up to whatever she's paid to do, er Nick Cage is no bimbo. Whatever happened to her?  I don't think I've seen her in a movie since 1998 when this one came out.  Granted I don't ever go out of my way to find and watch Meg Ryan movies, being on account of the fact that I hate her, but I don't recall having seen any commercials for any movies starring, co-starring, or even casting Meg Ryan as an extra in recent years, although that may have something to do with the fact that every time I see a commercial for a movie with the plot of the general genre of movie which Meg Ryan stars in, I tend to change the channel and go back to watching "South Park" or something.  Any way, when I got to the point when Nick kissed Meg for the first time I literally yelled at the TV... "NO NICK!!!!! DON'T DO IT, YOUR RUINING YOUR CAREER, AND YOU COULD TOTALLY GET BETTER THAN THAT NASTY HARLEQUIN, ALSO "WINDTALKERS" WAS AN AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!"  To which my mom, who was upstairs watching, I don't know... ummmm "The Bachelor" or some other awful tripe (by the way, I all-encompassingly hate "The Bachelor", it's the tackiest, cheesiest, and mind numbing show on TV other than maybe "Grey's Anatomy") "JOE SHUT UP, I'M WATCHING WHATEVER GARBAGE I'M WATCHING AND YOU NEED TO KEEP IT DOWN!" (Obviously I paraphrased slightly there on account of me not remembering exactly what she was watching).  To which I responded, "I CAN'T MOM, NICK CAGE JUST RUINED HIS CAREER... 14 YEARS AGO!!!!" Anyway, the point is  that I hate Meg Ryan with a BURNING passion, but I hate this movie more.
Thank you for your time.
p.s. (Meg, I hope this doesn't ruin our secret love affair, call me!)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Lucky One

Soon very soon, I shall review "The Lucky One"
p.s. as a side note, have you ever noticed that all Nicholas Sparks movies have the nearly the exact same poster...and plot

Joe's Review of "John Carter"

John Carter-a review
Starring Taylor Kitsch, Willem Dafoe and Lynn Collins; Director: Andrew Stanton
To start things off, let me just say that this movie was terrible, underrated but still terrible. Just the idea that a former civil war captain being magically transported to some random planet to fight aliens is quite frankly ridiculous. So let's begin with the actual review.

1.) Plot:  While it had the potential to be good, it was not.  It was extremely entertaining, but the fact that a Civil War soldier is abducted by aliens and then becomes the only hope for some oppressed alien civilization is just f****ing ridiculous and I can't abide it. That's about it.
Rank: 18/25

2.) Cinematography:  The special effects were badass.  That being said however, the actual cinematography was crap.  I have heard it said that "John Carter" was a "sleeper" but the simple fact of the matter is that it was so terrible that it made me sleep.  In fact, it probably awoke Soviet sleeper agents; hence "sleeper".  There were points in the movie that the camera was so far up Taylor Kitsch's ass that I could out of his freaking mouth.  Of course I'm just being facetious, but you get the point.  There were seriously points in the movie where I thought that the projector was malfunctioning, or somebody was shaking it(nobody was, I know because I complained), that's how bad it was.
Rank: 22/50

3.) Acting:  I won't go in depth because frankly I don't care unless it was phenomenal.

I was THIS high while filming 
  • Willem Dafoe:  Great, if you need an explanation, then you're an idiot.
  • Taylor Kitsch:  Good, although I preferred him in "Friday Night Lights".
  • Lynn Collings:  Okay: a little over-acted though.
Rank: 17/25... Willem Dafoe saved it, and he was an alien.
Total: 57/100
iMDB: 70/100
Metacritic: 51/100
Rotten Tomatoes 51/100
A Review by Joe.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"The Three Stooges"

The Three Stooges; a compact and concise review
("The Three Stooges; starring Sean Hayes, Will Sasso and Chris Diamantopoulos, directed by the Farrelly Brothers)
We are reaching a point in our lives when old is new again. If you don't believe me look at a the fashion world right now, models are wearing suspenders and fedoras, and rainbow and neon is being replaced by brown...and more brown. Everything works in a huge cycle and movies are no exception. However there comes a time when something which stopped being relevant decades ago needs to stay irrelevant. This movie was very inspired by the series we all know and love, and yet it failed. The biggest problem with this film was that it tried too hard to be, The Three Stooges, and as a result lost all of the magic that we associate with it. People love The Three Stooges because it reflected a more innocent time and everything was well. The update also updated the time frame into our cold narcissistic dystopia where no one feels safe. But I digress, let us dig a bit deeper into this flick.

Plot: 5/25: It was rough, even for a Three Stooges movie. Everything seemed to just happen, none of the characters improved or changed, and the ending felt unsatisfactory. Very few things here are original, the very plot itself, trying to raise money to save an orphanage, has been done over and over again to much greater effect. Nothing felt new, and the film dragged because of it.

Acting: 25/50: No one is ever going to be nominated for an Oscar here, but it could have been a lot worse. Will Sasso's performance as Curly was nothing short of inspired, he embodied his role and would've made the original Curly proud. The other two Stooges, while giving admirable performances fell short on this count. The ensemble was decent and provided laughs that might have been lost without them, there were,  however, a few very wooden performances by Sophia Vegara, Craig Bierko, and the cast of Jersey Shore, who apparently can't even play themselves in a movie.

Directorial Points 15/25: Directed by the Farrelly Brothers, this film was in good hands. The screenplay left much to be desired, but the duo rose to the challenge and presented a decent film. From the guys who brought us "There's Something About Mary" and "Dumb and Dumber" their trademarks were very prevalent throughout this film. Slapstick humor, oafish characters, disabled characters, this film has them and more.

Conclusion: Watch this movie for a few stupid laughs one night, or take your kids to it they'll love it. This is a stupid film, and it's meant to be that way, enjoy it for what it is.

Total: 45/100
iMDB: 43/100
Metacritic: 55/100
Roger Ebert: 2.5 stars

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Alright, Joe wins, apparently being lazy can be profitable. I'm breaking the silence and I'll have a review of The Three Stooges up by tomorrow.-Evan

Friday, April 6, 2012

I swear we're not ignoring you, both Joe and I have been busy doing touch-ups and contacting people and what not. Joe's promised to FINALLY get his review of "John Carter" up... so there's that at least. I'll try and see a few movies myself.
Thanks a plenty

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hey hey ho ho, sorry for  the break, so new stuff will be on the blog any day now, (just cross your fingers) in the meantime, if you want to be involved in the movie e-mail us

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sorry, for the unsatisfactory level of posts readers. Never fear, new reviews, comments, articles and more!

Saturday, March 31, 2012


With the current box office landscape dominated almost exclusively by sequels, arguing for even more sequels is bound to be a fairly unpopular opinion. Moviegoers have had enough superhero trilogies, they're frustrated because every single movie suddenly becomes a "franchise" by default now (there's another Journey to the Center of the Earth movie?), and I've personally lost track of how many Pirates of the Caribbean movies exist. Considering the fact that studios don't have a problem making another Bourne movie despite the fact that Jason Bourne isn't even in it, there's no reason to assume this trend will stop any time soon, either.
But I'm not looking for sequels just for the sake of making sequels. Some movies leave amazing little ideas completely unexplored, because sometimes there's just too much awesomeness to cram into one movie. That's what I'm talking about. Not sequels that could be made; sequels that should be made.

The Iron Giant
I don't have a lot of room in my brain for criticism on Brad Bird's directorial debut, The Iron Giant, because I absolutely love that movie, which is exactly why the only way I can improve it is by expanding it with a sequel. My single complaint about The Iron Giant is that I could have used more The Iron Giant.
If you haven't seen it, The Iron Giant is an amazing animated feature about an enormous, metallic robot sent to Earth from some other planet bent on ruling or otherwise destroying the world. The Giant, voiced by Vin Diesel, was originally programmed by his alien creators for war and mayhem and was, by all accounts, completely unstoppable.
"Hi, my name is John Irongiantington, and I'm made of guns!"
Thanks to the help of a lovable young Earth boy, the Iron Giant miraculously overcomes his programming, learns the value of human life and settles on a life of protecting and preserving humans, instead of crushing them all with his hundreds and hundreds of guns. Or, his feet. He could easily crush us with feet (he's very tall).
We learn that the real enemy in Iron Giant is the paranoid United States government officials who, instead of trying to understand and communicate with the Giant, stoop to desperate, shady methods and go to extreme lengths to obliterate it, even if it means losing innocent lives in the process.
The Imaginary Sequel:
No, no, the real enemy is absolutely the alien race that sent an unstoppable war robot to destroy the Earth. The government officials went a little overboard, sure, but the fellas who loaded a metal skeleton full of lasers and machine guns? They're the bad guys.
Even if the Giant decides to commit himself to a life of peace, there's still a technologically superior race somewhere in the stars that, for no clear reason, wants to beat the absolute shit out of us, and they're not going anywhere.
Realistically speaking, a sequel to The Iron Giant would follow what happens when the alien warlords, assuming their original Giant was defeated, decide to send another, possibly more advanced Giant. They didn't have an adorable kid sidekick, so they never learned about how precious human life is, so they wouldn't stop at just one war machine; they'd send wave after wave of gun-filled robo-monsters until they reach their goal.
It would sort of be like Terminator 2; the first robot didn't work, so now the enemies have to send out a better robot. Except the new robot has to fight the old robot, who understands love thanks to a child sidekick and his hard-working single mom. Wow, holy shit, it's exactly like Terminator 2.

Kill Bill

In Kill Bill, a woman, Beatrix Kiddo, gets shot to near death by a quartet of assassins and their assassin boss (her former lover), on her wedding day. They also steal her baby. She falls into a coma, eventually wakes up, and proceeds to hunt down and exact her revenge on the five people who wronged her. There's a lot of murder, a bunch of ninja fights and a pretty interesting though completely unnecessary deconstruction of Superman.
It's pretty awesome.
The first assassin that we see Kiddo kill is Vernita Green (Vivica A. Fox). Kiddo tracks her to her suburban, Pasadena home, fights her for a while, and ultimately throws a knife through her heart. This all unfortunately happens right in front of Vernita's 4-year-old daughter, Nikki.
This was absolutely not part of Kiddo's plan. When Kiddo realizes that Nikki was watching, she apologizes, explains that Nikki's mother had it coming, and says "When you grow up -- if you still feel raw about [this] -- I'll be waiting," (it's this scene).
That happens within the first 20 minutes of Kill Bill: Volume I, and it's the last we see of Nikki ...
The Imaginary Sequel:
... until the future! I hope, anyway. A Kill Bill: Volume III that follows grown-up Nikki, another strong, scorned woman out for revenge is just begging to be made. Or, if it's not begging to be made, I am begging someone to make it.
KB:3 would be just as action-packed and exciting but with an added layer of moral ambiguity (moral ambiguity sells, right? Moral ambiguity is sexy, right?). The first two installments were about a clear protagonist (Kiddo), and a clear antagonist (Bill). There was no question that Bill was manipulative and underhanded, and there was no question that Kiddo was the gal you wanted to root for. Volume III would show us that things aren't that clear cut, because nothing ever is. It would be a Kill Bill to make us think about stuff.
But with sword fights, too.
The audience already loves Kiddo, the badass, strong-willed woman who doesn't know the meaning of taking shit. Of course we want her to win; she's Medea. The audience will also probably like grown-up Nikki, the hardened, similarly strong woman who had to watch her parent get murdered, right in front of her. We want her to win, too; she's Lady Batman.
Who's the "good guy" in that fight? Who should win? It's not an easy answer. This movie would have all of the badass ridiculousness of a Quentin Tarantino with all of the interesting complexity of ... like, "life," I guess.
Also? Kill Bill III would be Batman versus Medea, you guys!

#2. Independence Day

In Independence Day, an army of evil but technologically superior aliens travel to Earth bent on world domination. They spend the first two-thirds of the movie wreaking absolute havoc on our planet until they are defeated by the ragtag team of Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Magilla Gorilla and one of the "Bill" actors whose last name starts with a P, whichever one wasn't in Aliens.
Left to right: Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, An Actual Trained Ape, Bill ... Patton?
By giving the aliens a sophisticated computer virus, and subsequently shooting them with much less-sophisticated bullets, the humans bring down the alien space bases all over the world.
"It truly was an independence day," one of the characters probably never remarked at one point.
The Imaginary Sequel:
Independence Day 2 should have taken place immediately after the events of Independence Day, and it should have been a cross between Independence Day and The Patriot.
A few years ago, Jacopo della Quercia wisely pointed out that, just because the alien ships crashed to earth doesn't mean all of the aliens contained therein are dead. In fact, there's plenty of evidence in the movie to suggest that the aliens are perfectly capable of withstanding these kinds of crash landings.
"Hi! Hiiiiii!"
So, what happens when ships that are 15 miles wide crash land in major cities all over the world and thousands and thousands of tentacle-waving, armor-wearing, telepathic and pissed off aliens spill out into town? Man versus alien in hand-to-hand combat is what happens.
It's just like in the Revolutionary War film, The Patriot. The invading aliens, with their technological superiority and telepathic mutant powers are just like the British, and the humans, with their heart, determination and home-field advantage, are just like the Mel Gibson-fronted militia.
British people can control minds, right? That wasn't just a nightmare I had, right?
Independence Day 2 (or Windependence Day, or Indeependence Day, if I decide to set the sequel mostly under water), would be two hours of furious aliens, desperate for a victory now that they've lost their trips home, versus a bunch of strong-willed, strong-smithed humans in a man-on-alien battle for world dominance. I can't be the only person in America who wants to watch Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith hiding in the jungle, setting traps for the invading aliens, like the wacky and deadly game of cat-and-mouse that Home Aloneshould have been. I just can't be.

The Dark Knight

This is where I'd summarize the plot of The Dark Knight for anyone who hasn't seen it, but if you're reading this, there's no reason for us to beat around the bush: You've seen The Dark Knight, and if you haven't, you're not the kind of person I'm writing for, nor will you ever be.
It's just as well. My plot summary would have just been a bunch of pictures of awesome explosions mixed with the phonetic representation of the odd humming sound my erection makes whenever it knows someone is watching Dark Knight within a five-mile radius. I went to a doctor with this condition and he described it as "not harmful" or "scientifically possible," but "ultimately really badass, from a strictly non-medical perspective." (Because of its sonic nature, we're calling it an "earection" for now.)
"I'd prescribe some pills to make this sensation stop, but I get the feeling you don't want it to."
The Imaginary Sequel:
Just to be clear, I know The Dark Knight has a sequel in The Dark Knight Rises, and I know that it will absolutely be better than whatever I come up with. But I also know that mine will be totally different, and that I sure would like to see it.
In Nolan's Batman trilogy, so far we've seen Bruce Wayne become Batman, and we've seen him question and then ultimately embrace this decision. Since he can't be Batman forever, the logical third step in the franchise is the end of Batman, which, as my coworker Cody suggests, means Bruce Wayne has to die. I don't think Wayne needs to die, but I do believe that he has to stop being Batman. We've already seen him struggle and support his decision to become the Dark Knight; to see him support that choice again in a third Batman movie would just be redundant, and a surprising misstep in a franchise that's clearly been building to something.
Here's where I'm going to lose some readers: the boldest and most interesting thing that Christopher Nolan can do is prove that Bruce Wayne becoming Batman was the wrong choice. Because really, it is. Objectively. Batman helps clean up the street, but his vigilante-copycat-inspiring antics are ultimately dangerous for Gotham (a point raised in The Dark Knight), and his ridiculous, over-the-top style will only encourage more ridiculous and over-the-top villains. For Nolan's trilogy to reach its logical conclusion, Batman needs to, as Harvey Dent put it, "Live long enough to see [himself] become a villain."
He needs to become an ultimate villain, too, not just a power-hungry jerk that operates in a moral grey area. Rachel Dawes, the love of Wayne's life, died as a result of his reckless shenanibatmanigans, and that didn't stop Wayne from fighting the good bat-fight, so it's going to take quite a lot to get him to retire. Bruce Wayne needs to see himself as a monster, a monster that's so horrible he would have to hang up his mask and quit Batmanning forever. Since this is Bruce Wayne we're talking about, the most monstrous thing he could see himself doing would be to kill his own parents. Which, obviously, he can't do.
Or can he?
Alfred cares more about Batman than anyone in the world (excluding me, obviously). He took care of Bruce as a boy. He raised Bruce. He covers for Bruce whenever he decides to go Batmanning all over town, he stitches Wayne up when said Batmanning doesn't go as well as Batplanned. He lies, helps defraud Wayne Enterprises and breaks several laws, all for Bruce Wayne. He's like a father to Bruce. And if you think that Alfred wouldn't kill to protect Bruce's secret identity, then you're vastly underestimating the strength of a father-son bond.
That's the Batman movie I'd make. The film opens on a series of murders, and all of the victims are people who, through research and analysis, are clearly on the verge of discovering Batman's identity. The police are hunting Batman, because clues support the idea that Batman would be the one to murder to protect his own identity, and Batman meanwhile is doing his best detective work to find the real killer, to clear his name and to, you know, stop all of that killing. But he can't catch the real killer, who always seems to be one step ahead of Batman. It's almost like the killer knows everything before Batman knows it; he's a better detective and knows exactly how to fly under Batman's radar. Only someone with intimate knowledge of Batman could be that good at avoiding capture. And obviously they'd probably have some kind of police or military background.
"Me again!"
Alfred. Because Alfred, decades ago, swore to Thomas Wayne that he would protect Bruce with his life, it's clear that he would do anything to preserve Wayne's secret identity, even if it meant killing a bunch of people who could potentially reveal everything. It wouldn't be an easy choice, but Alfred knew that being Batman's associate was never going to be easy. It means being the Alfred that Batman needs, not the Alfred that Batman deserves.
Batman, being Batman, would eventually catch and be forced to stop Alfred, by any means necessary (death or jail, which would also basically be death). Essentially, Batman would be killing his own father figure, thereby watching his father die twice. It would be heartbreaking and horrible and difficult, but it would also be the only thing that could teach Bruce that being Batman does come with a cost, a cost that even he can't withstand. Nolan's Batman universe is a realistic one, and in reality, no one should be Batman, because it's wrong. Legally, morally and ethically.
The first two Batman movies set this up so perfectly, I would almost be depressed if Nolan didn't end up making this movie. I say "almost" because, again, Nolan will make a different movie and it'll be way, WAY better. Certainly less depressing, anyway.
From Adam Tod Brown at