Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Again?

A new suggestion for a sequel to The Dark Knight Rises.

So my first idea for Banes on a Plane failed miserably. Legendary Pictures refused to host me for an e-conference and when I emailed my proposal to Christopher Nolan he quickly responded with. (and I quote) "The worst idea since Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." But who cares what that guy thinks. Unperturbed I sent my proposal to an up 

and coming directer whom everyone respects... Mr. Michael Bay. He agreed to direct my Batman movie but asked if all of the characters could be played by scantily clad women and if Bane could be a Transformer. We had creative differences. Then out of no where I got a phone call from THE GREATEST SUPERHERO MOVIE DIRECTOR EVER! Mr. Joel Schumacher. He agreed to direct if I re-wrote my original idea into something more family-friendly. So here we go Joel. (He loved the nipple-suits by the way)

The Trailer:
*Fades from black* Bane survives the events of the previous movie and is sitting on a curb looking very upset. He laments the fact that his plan to blow up Gotham failed, "I am sad that my plan to blow up Gotham with a nuclear bomb failed." said Bane. He begins to cry and the tears rupture some wires inside of his mask causing it to *comically* catch fire. Bane is on fire and is flailing around and a mysterious stranger stomps out the fire on Bane's face. The stranger is none other than Mr. Freeze (played by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger). Freeze looks Bane in the face and says, "You neeed to dafeet da Batmahn." Bane replies that he can't he is too sad. Freeze tells Bane that he is willing to help train Bane, Scarecrow, Calender Man, the Joker and the Riddler in order to defeat Batman in the one place he is vulnerable...the slow-pitch softball field. Now there is a montage of softball training sessions followed by a sneak peek of Batman under-hand pitching the ball to Bane, Bane scrunches his face up and swings at the ball. When he makes contact the screen turns to black.

Tagline: They're in it to win it.

Name of the Movie: The Bad News Banes

p.s. Bane is played by George W. Bush in this movie and Rebecca Black is composing an orchestral score. All extras are played by Nicholas Cage.

The Dark Knight Rises...2?

My suggestion for a sequel to The Dark Rises.

The Trailer:
Bane survives the events of the previous movie. He intends to seek revenge on Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle so he in pursuit of him (still doing an unexplained British accent. Am I the only person that thought it was weird that a guy who spent his entire life in a prison hole in India does NOT have an Indian accent? But I digress)
 Whilst on a plane ride to Italy, he tries to drink an in-flight soda but can't figure out to drink it with the mask on. He then sees the psychotic Dr. Jonathan Crane (The Scarecrow) who reveals that he believed Bane dead and had him cloned many times. The real Bane looks around the plane and faints comically. He wakes up in the ships cargo hold surrounded by at least ten other Banes. One of the Banes tells him that they are going to kill a mob target on the flight. Bane *gulps loudly* says "Let's do this!"
The Screen fades to black.
Tagline: There are too many monkey-fighting Banes on this monkey-fighting plane.

Name of the Movie: The Dark Knight Rises 2: Banes on a Plane.
(Also Batman has the nipple-suit again and only appears in flashbacks.)